lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

زیستن sistan vivir existir

Skr. जीवति (jīvati), Lat. vivere, Lith. gyventi, Ltv. dzīvs, Old Prussian gi(j)wan, OCS žiti, Russ. жить (žit'), Polish żyć, Eng. cwicu/quick, ON kvikr, Gm. quec/keck, Goth. qius, Gk. βίος (bios), Ir. bethu/beatha, Welsh byd, Gaul. Biturīges, Pers. gaiθā/zēstan, Av. gaēθā; jiġaēsa, Toch. śo/śai, Arm. կեամ (keam), Oscan bivus

چرخ chary rueda ,circulo

Gk. pólos; pélesthai; pélein; κύκλος (kyklos), Lat. colere, Toch. kukäl/kokale, Skr. चक्र (čakrás), Russ. колесо (koleso), Eng. hwēol/wheel, Pers. čarka/čarx, Ir. cul/; bóchaill/, Old Pruss. kelan, Osset. calx, Pol. koło, Av. čaxra; čaraiti, Alb. sjell, ON hjōl; hvel, Lith. kelias; kãklas, Luw. kaluti-, Welsh ymochel; dymchwel; bochel Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado

1. nombre
1. wheel
2. cart
3. turn
4. axle
5. flywheel
6. cycle
7. kestrel
8. gyrostabilizer
9. rhomb
10. loop
11. strophe
12. trindle
13. wimple
14. truckle

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

shaajeh rama شاخه

Arm. ճյուղ (č̣yuġ), Lith. šaka, Ltv. saka, Skr. शाखा (śā́khā), Russ. соха (soxa), Alb. thekë, Goth. hōha, Kamviri coa, Old Prussian sagnis, Ir. gēc/gēag, Welsh cainc, Gm. huohili, Pers. šāxe(h)

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011


Lat. cubitus, Alb. sup, Gm. huf/Hüfte, Eng. hype/hip, Gk. κύβος (kubos), Av. supti, Skr. शुप्ति (śupti), Goth. hups, Welsh gogof, Pers. /šāne

دود dud humo

Skr. धूम (dhūma), Old Prussian dumis, Russ. дым (dym), Lat. fūmus, Gm. toup/toben, Gk. θυμός (thumos), Toch. twe/tweye, Lith. dūmai, Ltv. dūmi, Eng. dōmian/dusk, Goth. dauns, ON daunn, Ir. dé/deathach, Welsh dywy, Oscan Mefit, Polish dym, Pers. /dud, OCS дꙑмъ (dymŭ)

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

کیکه kekeh caca

*kakka excrement Lat. cacāre, Russ. какать (kakat'), Gk. κακκάω (kakkaō), Arm. քաք (k'ak'), քակոր (k'akor), Ir. cacc/cac, Gm. /Kacke, Welsh cach, Lith. kaka, Pers. /keke(h)

زمستان zamestan .ruso zima

*ǵʰéi-mn̥- winter Skr. हिम (himá), हेमन्त (hemantá), Lat. hiems, Gk. χεῖμα (kheima), Gaul. Giamillus, OCS зима (zima), Russ. зима (zima), Polish zima, Lith. žiema, Ltv. ziema, Old Prussian semo, Av. zimo, Arm. ձմեռ (jmeṙ), Alb. dimër/dimën, Kamviri z, Pers. /زمستان (zemestān), Toch. śärme/śimpriye, Welsh gaeaf, Ir. gamh/geimhreadh, Hitt. 𒄀𒈠𒀭 (giman), ON gói, Pers. dai, Eng. gamol/

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

بز boz cabra

Av. būza. Pers. /بز (boz), Arm. բուծ (buç), Ir. bocc/boc, Welsh bwch, ON bukkr, Eng. buc/buck, Gm. boc/Bock, Gaul. bucca

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

بیدار BIDAR to wake, rise up DESPERTAR ELEVARSE

Skr. बोधति (bódhati); बुद्ध (buddha), Lith. budinti, Ltv. budīt, Old Prussian budē, Av. buiðyeiti, Ir. buide/buidhe, Welsh bodd, ON bjóða; boð, Gk. πυνθάνομαι (punthanomai), Eng. bēodan/bid; bodian/bode, Kamviri bidi, Russ. будить (budit'), Polish budzić, OCS блюсти (bljusti), Gm. biotan/bieten; gibot/Gebot, Goth. (anabiudan), Pers. /bēdār-šudan

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

پریدن paredan прыгать ( ruso) prygat , saltar

پاشنا (pāshnā) пятка (ruso) piatka , talòn

Lat. perna/pernis, Skr. पार्ष्णि (pā́rṣṇi), Hitt. parsina, Goth. fairsna, Gm. fërsana/Ferse, Gk. πτέρνη (pternē), Eng. fiersn/— , Pers. -/پاشنا (pāshnā), Lith. pentinas,

پختن puḵẖtan печь(ruso) pich ,cocinar

پختن puḵẖtan, To boil, cook, make ready; to concoct; to ripen; to be cooked; to ren- der well disposed towards, canvass for, gain for one's interests (m.c.).

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

ماندن mani-dan ,to remain ,permanecer

زرد zard (sardo) amarillo

El ejército real utilizaba un sistema de color de los uniformes para identificar las diferentes unidades  Una gran variedad de colores fueron utilizados, algunos de los más comunes son amarillo, morado y azul.. Pero este sistema se limita probablemente a los nativos de las tropas persas y no se ha utilizado para sus numerosos aliados. A large variety of colors were used, some of the most common being yellow, purple, and blue. But this system was probably limited to native Persian troops and was not used for their numerous allies.

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

آهنم ohan , Eisen (alemàn) hierro; iron (inglès) acero

jern danes

مهر mehr amor

پر por ,full (inglès) lleno, entero

es frecuente el cambio de la p por f ,asi ph
el cambio de "r" por "l" tambien es frecuente

version con letra en ingles

ای ایران ای مرز پرگهر
Ey Iran, ey marz e por gohar
Oh Iran, oh land full of jewels
Marz= frontier, border, land
Por= full
Gohar= jewels, gems
ای خاکت سرچشمه هنر
Ey khakat sar cheshmeye honar
Oh, your soil is the source of art/virtue
Oh, Your soil is the fountainhead of all talents
khak= dust, land, Khakat= your dust, your land
Sar= head
Chesmeye= spring, fountain, source
sar chesme= fountain head
Honar= art
دور از تو اندیشه بدان
Dor az to andishe badan
May the thoughts of evil people be far away from you
Away from you, the evil wishers
dor = far
az = from
to = you
andishe = thought
badan= bad people
پاینده مانی و جاودان
Payandeh mani va javedan
May you remain enduring for ever
You'll stand strong till eternity
payandeh= lasting, permanent
mani = (verb) you remain
va = and
javedan = eternal
ای دشمن ار تو سنگ خاره ای من آهنم
Ey doshman ar to sange kharee man ahanam
Oh Enemy, if you are granite, I'm iron
O foe, if you are a rock, I'm made of steel
Doshman = enemy
Ar = Agar = if
To = you
Sange kharee= granite
Man = I
Ahan = iron
جان من فدای خاک پاک میهنم
Jane man fadaye khake pake mihanam
May my life/soul be sacrificed to the pure soil of the Homeland
My life, be sacrificed for the pure soil of my country
Jan = life, Jane man = my life
fada = sacrifice
khak = dust, land, soil
pak= pure
mihan = country , homeland, mihanam = my country or my homeland
مهر تو شد چون پیشه ام
Mehr to shod chon pishe am
Since loving you has become my profession
My love for you, since became my vocation
mehr = love
to = you
shod = (verb) become
chon = because
pishe am = profession, job
دور از تو نیست اندیشه ام
Dor az to nist andishe am
My thoughts are not far from you
Not far from you, are my thoughts
Dor = far
Az = from
To = you
Nist = not
Andishe am = my thoughts
در راه تو کی ارزشی دارد این جان ما
Dar rahe to key arzeshi darad in jan e ma
For your sake, my life has no value
For your welfare (dedication), what worth is it, this life of ours
dar = in
rahe = way
key =when
arzesh = value , worth
darad = it is a verb and it means
jane ma = my life
پاینده باد خاک ایران ما
Payandeh bad khake Iran e ma
May the soil of our Iran endure
Long last this Iran of ours (soil of Iran)
Payandeh = lasting, permanent
Bad = (verb) be
سنگ کوهت در و گوهر است
Sang e kohat dor va gohar ast
The rock of your mountains is pearl and jewel
The rocks of your mountain are gemstones
Sange = stone
Kohat = your mountain
Dor = pearl
Va = and
Gohar = jewel
Ast = (verb) ist
خاک دشتت بهتر از زر است
Khake dashtat behtar az zar ast
The soil of your plain is better than gold
The dirt of your terrain is better than gold
Khake = soil
Dashtat = plain, field
Behtar = better
Az = than
Zar = Gold, in old persian, people used the word “Zar” for gold, but in these days the word “Tala” is more used.
مهرت از دل برون کی کنم
Mehrat az del boron key konam
Never would I banish your love from my heart
When should I push your love out of my heart?
Mehrat = your love, mehr = love
Az = from
Del = heart
Boron = out
Key = when
Konam = it is a part of a verb, the whole verb is ‘ boron konam` and it means “I send out” or “I push out”.
برگو بی مهر تو چون کنم
Bargo bi mehr e to chon konam
Tell me, without your love, how would I go on?
Tell me what to do without your love
Bargo = (verb) and it is a another kind of this word ‘bego’ and it means ‘say’ or ‘tell’
Bi = without
Mehr = love
Chon = it is a word use in poem for this word ‘chegoneh’ and it means ‘how’
Konam = it is a verb and it means “I do”
تا ...گردش جهان ودور آسمان بپاست
Ta gardeshe jahan va dor e aseman be past
As long as the revolving of the world and the cycle of the sky endure
As long as universe is revolving in space (sky)
Ta = till
Gardeshe = revolving
Jahan = world
Va = and
Dor = cycle
Aseman = sky
Be past = (verb) it somehow means remain
نور ایزدی همیشه رهنمای ماست
Noor e izadi hamishe rahnamaye mast
The light of God always remains our guide
The divine light will always be our guide
Noor = light
Izadi = God
Hamishe = always
Rahnama = guide
Mast = (verb) and it means “it is”
Refrain 1
مهر تو شد چون پیشه ام
Mehr e to chon shod pishe am
Since loving you has become my profession
My love for you, since became my vocation
دور از تو نیست اندیشه ام
Dor az to nist andishe am
My thoughts are not far from you
Not far from you, are my thoughts
در راه تو کی ارزشی دارد این جان ما
Dar rahe to key arzeshi darad in jan e ma
For your sake, my life has no valueIn your path (for your welfare) what worth is it, this life of ours
Dar = in
Rahe = way
Key = when
Arzeshi = value, worth
Darad = have or has
In = this
Jan = life; jan e ma = my life
پاینده باد خاک ایران ما
Payandeh bad khake iran e ma
May the soil of our Iran endure
Long last this Iran of ours (soil of Iran)
ایران ای خرم بهشت من
Iran ey khoram behesht e man
Iran, Oh our cool paradiseO Iran, my blossoming paradise
Khoram = happy, cool , nice
Behesht = paradise
روشن از تو سرنوشت من
Roshan ar to sarneveshte man
Bright because of you is our fate
Your glow will brighten my destiny
Roshan = bright
Ar = another form for “az” = from
Sarneveshte = destiny
گرآتش بارد بر پیکرم
Gar atash barad bar peykaram
If fire should rain on my body (paykar)If fireballs should rain on my body
Gar = if
Atash = fire
Barad = rains
Bar = on
Peykaram = my body
جز مهرت به دل نپرورم
Joz mehrat be del naparvaram
I'll not foster in my heart but love for you
But your love, I'll nurture nothing in my heart
Joz = except
Mehrat = love to you
Be = in
Del = heart
Naparvaram = (verb) nurture, foster
از آب و خاک و مهر تو سرشته شد دلم
Az ab o khak o mehr e to sereshte shod delam
From your water, soil and love my clay was createdYour water, soil and love, have created my clay (body)
Az = from
Ab = water
O = and
Khak = soil
Mehr = love
Sereshte shod = (verb) it was created
Delam = del in some place means heart or love and in some place it means clay or body
مهرت ار برون رود چه می شود دلم
Mehrat ar boron ravad che mishavad delam
If love should go away, my heart would become empty
Without your love, my heart would be empty
Mehrat = your love
Ar = if
Boron = out
Ravad = a
Che = (verb) gone
Mishavad = (verb) will be
Delam = my heart

Refrain 1

This song was composed in 1944. Though never considered Iran's national song by any government agency, Iranian people came to think of it as their National Song. It is usually performed by a choir. The choir does not sing it about Iran but sings it to the land of Iran.

domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

نیرو niru energia

مغز magz cerebro

checo  mozek ,eslovaco mozog,ruso mozg

ناف naf ombligo

navel ingles nabel aleman

دست dast

Homeric Greek δεξιτερός dexiteros mano derecha de aqui proviene diestro Eng. gerd/yard, Lat. hestos; hasta; praestō, Umbrian hostatu, Ir. gass/gas, Lith. pa-žastẽ, Skt. hástas, Avest. zasta, Pers. dasta/

گوش gush oreja

 polaco ucho  Lat. auris , Gk. οὖς ( ous ) , Skr. उसि (usi), OCS ѹхо ( uxo ) , Russ. ухо (uxo), Goth. auso, Lith. ausis, Ltv. auss, Gaul. ausia-, Alb. vesh, Gm. ōra/Ohr, Ir. au/ Av. usi, Pers. gaušā/ گوش ( guš ) , Eng. ēare / ear , ON eyra, Arm. ունկն (unkn), OPruss. āusins. 

خواهر johar sister hermana

chwaer "suuar" gales, swester/Schwester aleman

همه hame algo

aleman saman/zusammen, ingles sum/some

بن bon bottom ,trasero

bôn gales,bodam bodem aleman,

میان mian medio

lituano medis,alemàn mitti/Mitte , inglès middle, latin medium